Masayoshi ITO

He was born in 1972 in Tokyo. He completed Waseda University Sports Academy Department in 1994. He awarded as the 9th ranked in the Intercollegiate Ice Skating Competition in Japan. He was also interested in (at master level) “Kendo” sport which is a traditional Japanese defense art.

As part of his professional life in Japan, he started to work at Public Relations Department at the KEIO Corporation. In the following years, he worked as a Specialist at Yunus Emre Institute Tokyo Center for 6 years. During this period, he enabled promotion and exhibition of rich cultural-art related accumulation of Turkey in various platforms in Japan. He took a leading role in inclusion of Turkish language as elective course in Japanese universities. He contributed development and strengthening of academic and scientific studies between Turkish and Japanese universities. He took the inter-institutional coordinator role for development of bilateral relations between Turkish and Japanese institutions and for managing communication flow and organization of cooperation programs. He realized implementation of cooperation protocols with Waseda University, Tokyo Foreign Language University, Bunkyo Gakuin University, Dokkyo University which enabled provision of Turkish as an elective course. He also provided the exhibition of “Turkish textile products that were designed by Japanese designers” in collaboration with Bunko Fukuso Fashion University, Istanbul Textile Exporters Association (ITKIB) and the Aegean Exporters Association. Subsequently, he undertook administrative mission at Bunkyo Gakuin University.

He was interested in Turkish studies during MBA program he completed at Bunkyo Gakuin University in Tokyo. He wrote his MBA thesis in the area of Turkish railway sector which was entitled as “Business Management Systems of Railways in İstanbul”.

He is native Japanese speaker and knows English and Turkish at advanced level.

He is the manager of the MİTA liaison office in Tokyo.

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