International Trade


International trade

An effective marketing strategy and the process of developing a business relationship requires experience, insight and network connections specific to the Japanese market.

We believe that understanding socio-cultural differences, traditions and values, working culture and effective communication styles for business life is important for the success of the targeted business.

Using our Japanese experts and our network of established partners in Japan, we develop successful marketing strategies for the Japanese market on behalf of you and provide direct support for its effective implementation.

MITA mainly focuses on below-stated areas as regards to the international trade and business relations with Japan:

  • Information technologies
  • Mobile and web based software
  • Advanced technology fields (Nanotechnology, biotechnology, cyber security, intelligent robotic systems etc.)
  • E-Commerce
  • Medical
  • Textiles
  • Food
  • Local and handcraft products
  • Health tourism (Particularly wellness tourism, elderly care visits, geriatric, disabled and medical tourism)
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    63739 street lorem ipsum City, Country


    +12 (0) 345 678 9