Information Technologies

Information Technologies

For our relations held between Japan and Turkey, advanced technology fields (nanotechnology, biotechnology, cyber security, intelligent robotic systems, etc.) and mobile and web-based software are our main priority areas. We develop all kinds of web and mobile based projects with our experienced staff and using the latest web technologies. We also provide structuring and management of the projects we have developed. Our team consists of senior software developers with 10+ years of experience.

Types of Our Projects

  • Web-based online educational software
  • Web-based mobile application development platform
  • Web based mobile game development platform
  • Web based gamification software for education
  • Web based task tracking software (Institution tracking, School-Student-Parent tracking, Process tracking, Job tracking etc.)
  • Web based management software (Hospital management, School management etc.)
  • Web-mobile based E-Commerce software
  • Web-mobile based member tracking and automation software
  • Web based enterprise solutions

Technical Qualifications

Programming Languages: Java, JavaScript, Python, PHP
Backend:  Java: Spring Boot, Spring Framework, Spring Cloud, Reactive Programming – Spring WebFlux, Event- Driven Microservices, Java EE (CDI, EJB, JPA, JSF, Bean Validation, JAX-RS, JAX-WS, JMS), Hibernate, Vaadin Framework
– JavaScript: Node.js, Expressjs, Koa.js, NestJS
– Python: Django Framework, Flask
Frontend: Vue.js, React.js, Angular, NuxtJS, PrimeFaces, jQuery, ExtJS
Database: Postgres, MongoDB, Redis (in-memory), Mysql, Oracle
Infrastructure: AWS, Kubernetes, Openshift, Istio+Envoy, Ansible, Jenkins, Elastic Stack, Grafana + Prometheus, HashiCorp Vault, SonarQube, Nexus: Sonatype, Docker
Mobile: ReactNative, Ionic Framework, Cordova-Phonegap
Application Server: Jboss/WildFly, Apache Tomcat, TomEE, Netty, Payara, Glassfish, Gunicorn
Version Control System: Git (GitLab, Github, Bitbucket), SVN
Tool: Maven, Gradle, npm, yarn, Webpack, Babel, pip, pipenv
Testing: Junit, Junit5, Mockito, REST Assured, Test Containers, Selenium, Jest
Messaging: Apache Kafka, RabbitMQ
Bug/Issue Tracking System: JIRA, Confluence, Trello, Redmine, Mantis
Other: Phaser, nginx, Bash Shell Scripting, WebSockets, Server-Sent Events, WordPress

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