Organization and Guidance

Hospitality, Guiding, Organization and Support Services

MITA offers guidance, hospitality and organization services for representatives and delegations of business companies, local governments, public institutions, academic and cultural organizations, NGOs and all other parties coming from/to Japan to/from Turkey.

Together with MITA founder team expertized on Japanese business and working culture and professional translators competent in Japanese/Turkish/English languages, we contribute to your efforts for receiving effective and efficient results from your planned visits and joint working activities held in Turkey and Japan.

A wide range of guidance, hospitality, organization and support services are offered to our customers:

  • Ensuring effective communication between Japanese and Turkish interlocutors before arrival for the meetings in Japan/Turkey
  • Setting the visit agenda and meeting schedule in line with the expectations and requests
  • Planning of the multi-purpose visits on different areas including commercial, project-based or social purposes
  • Appointment arrangements
  • Support services for the implementation, completion and monitoring of the program
  • Preparation of visual and written materials and their professional presentation for networking and participation to important events, organizations, meetings and fairs
  • Written and interpreting translation services in all technical areas (in Turkish/Japanese/English)
  • Customer-specific networking activities

Our liaison office in Tokyo provides direct support and assistance to representatives and delegations planning to visit Japan.

Before your arrival in Japan, we can arrange your visit agenda, schedule and organize your appointments with your business partners in accordance to your expectations and needs.

Our team in Tokyo will meet you at the airport and provide you with all kinds of assistance for your visit to Japan so as to ensure the highest quality of your program during your stay in Japan.

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    63739 street lorem ipsum City, Country


    +12 (0) 345 678 9